1, Evaluate the product’s aesthetic appearance
The shell must be free from cracks, burrs, deformations, scratches, shrinkage or stains; its gap fitting properly without looseness; it also must possess good three-dimensional properties.
2, Check for metal accessories
Metal parts free from oxidation, mold growth and stains; plugs not loose or deformed. Insertion force appropriate and firm.
3, Examine all buttons and card holders
The button pressure is appropriate, the shell does not become stuck, the card holder remains stable, pressure levels are appropriate, and memory cards are securely inserted without loosening.
4, Review screen printing, engraving and dyeing operations.
Shell screen printing was clear and flawlessly consistent; there were no spelling errors. Furthermore, engraving was free from burrs, while handwriting was legible. Uniform dyeing without any fade-away gave an enjoyable color sensation.
5, Integrity
Does the product give off an impression of quality craftsmanship and high-end finishes with respectable appearance, while remaining within reasonable volumes when compared with similar products?